Dover Situation Update

Last updated: 06/08/2022 @ 10:00

We expect that the Port Of Dover will be busy today and you may experience some queues before your sailing. Please take a look below at the current situation in and around the port, followed by answers to some questions you may have. 

Please arrive prepared and carry some food and water with you - we advise stopping en-route to the port as the facilities are limited.

Current situation

Approach Roads

A20 - Clear

A2 - Clear

Town Centre - Clear 

Approximate time to reach the port: N/A


At the port

Buffer Zone - Queues

Approximate time to reach border controls:  30 minutes 

Check-in - Clear 

Approximate time to reach check in: 5 minutes



Some sailings delayed by up to 1hr 



How early should I arrive?

We advise to arrive at least 2 hours before the check in closes.

What happens if I miss my sailing?

We'll get you on your way on the first available sailing after check-in.

Are there any facilities at the port?

There are limited facilities at the Buffer Zone - some toilets are located at the front of the queues, near the border controls. There is also the Passenger Terminal building on the right hand side of the Buffer Zone where you will find a coffee shop and some more toilets. 

What is the Buffer Zone?

This is the holding area before border checks.

What is Dover TAP?

Dover Access Protocol - this is designed to hold freight vehicles at Aycliffe / A20 to reduce congestion in and around Dover. Tourist vehicles can continue to use the right hand lane to reach the town and the port. A 40mph speed limit will be in place when TAP is active, with average speed cameras enforcment in place. Although tourist vehicles can continue to travel down the A20 to reach the town and the port, the road can become heavily congested and you may encounter some queues.

Will the situation improve / get worse later?

Unfortunately this is hard to tell - we are working hard with all parties to ensure the situation improves as quickly as possible and remain in constant contact with the authorities to ensure our customers can reach us as quickly as possible. Please keep an eye on our twitter feed and this page for regular updates.

I'm due to travel with you later in the week - will I be affected by any queues?

If we expect to be busy on the day you are due to travel, we will contact you via text and email with our Peak Travel Advice.